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US Treasury sanctions two banks from Russia and South Ossetia

WASHINGTON, September 19. /TASS/. The US Department of the Treasury has imposed sanctions against Russian citizen Dmitry Nikulin, as well Timer Bank PJSC and Stroytreyd LLC from Russia and as International Settlement Bank LLC from South Ossetia, according to a written statement by the financial department.
Inclusion in the sanctions list entails the freezing of assets in the US and a ban on American citizens and companies doing business with sanctioned persons and entities.
As Washington claims, the persons that came under restrictions “have enabled and supported ongoing efforts to establish illicit payment mechanisms between Russia and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).” They allegedly “have assisted DPRK and Russian sanctions evasion,” and were involved in “the funding of the DPRK’s unlawful weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and ballistic missile programs” and support Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine.
“The growing financial cooperation between Russia and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) directly threatens international security and the global financial system,” Matthew Miller, spokesperson of the US Department of State said in a press statement.
Sanctions were also imposed on a number of legal entities that were already subject to American restrictions. These include the Russian Financial Corporation bank, Trans Kapital LLC, Center for International Settlements (CMRBank LLC) and the Pyongyang-based Korea Kwangson Banking Corp.
